Project description

- Floors:1
- Total area:155,5 sq. m.
- Walls:GB blocks masonry with outside insulation
- Foundations:monolithic reinforced concrete tape
- Structural design:load-bearing walls with elements of a monolithic reinforced concrete frame
- Chief project architect:Volodymir Glazkov
- Chief Structural Designer:Volodymir Sokolov
- Vizualization:Volodymir Glazkov
One-storey house project А10 – house with the flat roof, the terrace and panoramic windows
Three living rooms (parents’ bedroom, nursery and study), a living room with the dining and kitchen zones in a single space – the loft, and auxiliary rooms. Covered terrace with access to it from the living room through a panoramic opening with sliding door.
The architectural solution uses cantilever roof extensions that form sheds over the terrace and porch. They give visual lightness to facades and dynamism to the image of the house. The building looks light, with swift forms, modern, but at the same time it does not lose cosiness.
Wall construction – autoclaved gas-silicate blocks with outside insulation. The ceiling is monolithic reinforced concrete slab. Foundations – reinforced concrete tape. The house was designed for a site with excellent soils that did not require complex and expensive foundation solutions.
The engineering equipment of the house provides it with a certain degree of autonomy – water supply from a well, sewerage into a septic tank, heating from a heat pump (a gas boiler is in reserve) – and only electricity from the intra-settlement network. Hot water supply receives heat from solar collectors installed on a flat roof. Their number can be increased to 10 with the expansion of the scope of use.
House facade; panoramic windows, trellis with climbing plants
House planning.
The planning principle of the A10 project is a loft that combines a living room, kitchen and dining areas. The loft is adjoined by a residential compartment (bedrooms with dressing rooms and bathrooms, a study) and an utility compartment.
On the flat roof solar collectors are installed (or batteries) in the required quantity, and an external unit of an air-to-air heat pump.
Other facade finishes:
House section on line 1 – 1.
House section on line А – А.